اعلانات مدينتى و بس


  • التاجر Frof. kamau
  • رقم الاعلان 44369
  • المدينة:
  • السعر: 2.0EGP
  • الحالة: جديد
  • تاريخ الاضافة: منذ 1 شهر
  • وسيلة الاتصال: 0738183320

التفاصيل :

This is available to make you rich than ever, you apply it every day, it will attract all the rich people to you so that you can do business with them. Apply when going to meet high rich people. You can be assured that they will welcome you with open arms. Peace, Rule, Protection, Health, Happens, Family, Friendship, Relationships, Time, Learning, Love, Business, Financial, Money

Sandawana skin; 

This is the most popular skin known all over the world and it can do wonders that you can’t imagine. Contact us for more information.

One for all bad luck/curses remover;

the strongest herb for curses, bad luck, witchcraft. Life sometimes becomes difficult and all that you do becomes a failure you have tried all the said which doctors but nothing changes that means you have not yet got the best bad luck and curses removed from you. Now we have a solution which will help you solve your problems once and for all. We have prayed but sometimes looks like prayers don’t work. What other people do to you is big and to make sure you get rid of all evil you have to remove all and start a good life.

Life Protection oil Sandawana +27738183320 

Powerful consecrated compound oil for protection against seen and unseen enemies, evil occurrences, bad dreams, sickness, very active preparation for quick results and general use in occultism. Favorable results in prayers and receiving the grace of God.

I take great care of my Mind, my Body, and my Spirit. I do what I have to, to be more ‘me’. Because I love who I am and I love who I am becoming. I love my flaws, I love my achievements, I love my imperfections. I love it all. I have learned to accept myself first, and once I did that, I could change. Do you accept yourself, with all you are?






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